Relocating to Copenhagen

"My priority : offer you the smoothest relocation to Copenhagen !
Clarisse Favre
Relocation consultant free-lance

relocation CONSULTANT

Having lived in Copenhagen with my family since 2013, I have first-hand experience of the issues related to international mobility acquired during my previous relocations.

After working for a local agency, welcoming and advising many newcomers in my role as a volunteer for the association ” Copenhague Accueil”, I decided to set up my own agency.

Clarisse Relocation was born out of this love of sharing and the desire to put my skills at the service of all those, who like me, decide to move abroad.

Like a friend would welcome you and help you discover the local scene, I offer you  personalized and tailor-made support. I will strive to meet all your needs to facilitate your installation and integration in Denmark.



My services are aimed at individuals as well as companies wishing personalized assistance in English or French to prepare and support an expatriation in Copenhagen.

Home search

I will be working with you throughout the entire home finding process, from the first interview to narrow down your search criteria until the move-in inspection and the handling over the keys.
Remotely visits before your arrival can be arranged.
My assistance is unlimited until you find your new " Home Sweet Home".

administrative procedures

I will assist you according to your needs with administrative procedures such as applying for a CPR number at the municipality, requesting a Nem Id, creating your E-Boks or opening a bank account.

European citizen Immigration

First step of your move to Denmark:
the residence permit or EU certificate.
I will assist you from the constitution of the file and facilitate your meeting with the Danish Immigration Authorities.


Are you in Copenhagen for a few days ?
Do you hesitate to settle there or do you want to prepare your future installation in the best possible way ?
This introduction tour, customized according to your own needs, will reassure you, predefine certain choices and save time during your installation.

settling-in package

Its purpose ? Make your relocation smooth down to the very last detail....
Home search, administrative procedures, most suitable school for your children, discovery of your new neighborhood, public transport, biking in Copenhagen, Internet connection, mobile phone... This pack is customizable according to your needs and wishes.

New Home
New adventures
new memories